If you was logged in watching the virtual event and you have suddenly found yourself on this screen it means you have been logged out of our event automatically. There could be a few reasons for this:
- You've shared your link with someone else. Links are unique and they cannot be shared. Our system will recognise multiple connections and log out that ticket for all users. If you need more tickets click here to get online.
- You're using a VPN or other IT software which moves your location from various server locations. Try turning off your VPN or use a personal device which doesn't have a VPN enabled.
- You've changed devices. The system will automatically log out previous connections.
If you keep experiencing the issue and need support - click the HELP DESK in the bottom right corner.
You'll need to link a password with your email address. Click the button below to create a password via the password reset.
Once you have created your password you'll then be able to log into your booking to modify / adjust Qty's or add new tickets.
Please enter your email and password to access your booking and modify your tickets.